People's Artist - Elza Ibraрimova's concert program was held at the Heydar Aliyev Palace
8 June 2022 12:56
People's Artist - Elza Ibraрimova's concert program was held at the Heydar Aliyev Palace

On June 7, a grandiose concert called "My heart is full of songs, Motherland" was held at the Heydar Aliyev Palace within the framework of the "Eternal Life" project, which included songs written by the famous composer, author of popular songs, People's Artist Elza Ibrahimova.

Before the concert, the director of the Heydar Aliyev Palace, Ramil Gasimov, greeted the audience gathered on the historical stage and spoke about the role of this historic, important day in the cultural life of our country. It was noted that the works and music of Elza Ibrahimova, a prominent representative of the Azerbaijani composer school, were forever imprinted in the memory of the people. Ramil Gasimov stressed: "There are several songs glorifying our independent Azerbaijan, and today's song "My heart is full of songs, Motherland" is one of the best examples dedicated to our Azerbaijan".

Unforgettable songs of the composer were performed by well-known Azerbaijani artists, People's Artists Gulyanag and Gulyaz Mammadovas, Honored Artists Elton Huseynaliyev, Lala Mammadova, Vasif Maharramli, Arzu Aliyeva, Rashad Ilyasov, Gulistan Aliyeva, Agshin Abdullayev, Almaz Orujeva, Teymur Amrah, singers Zamig Huseynov, Ayten Maharramova , Samir Piriyev, Samira Aliyeva, Nijat Jafarzade, Turkay Malikova, Javad Sultanov, Zabita Aliyeva, Ravana Gurbanova, Aishan Mehdiyeva who were accompanied by Gulara Aliyeva's instrumental ensemble of Azerbaijan Television and Radio and the "Buta" ensemble led by Rovshan Gurbanov.

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